Canon 053 Cartus Cilindru pentru Seria i-Sensys LBP850, LBP852Cx;
Cod produs:
Canon 053 Cartus Cilindru (70K) pentru Seria i-Sensys LBP850, LBP852Cx (2178C001AA);
TVA inclus
Echipamente compatibile
• Canon LBP852Cx
• Canon i-SENSYS MF852Cx
The genuine Canon 053 imaging drum has been produced by the makers of your printer, meaning there is no other alternative built with equal precision or compatibility to your machine. Whilst some colour laser printers have drums built into their toner cartridges, the Canon 2178C001 comes as a separate unit, allowing you to change it whenever necessary.
With an estimated page yield of 70,000 prints, this original Canon 053 drum unit keeps the running costs of your printer low, as it rarely needs replacing. The Canon 2178C001 is essential for the ongoing use of your printer and is a purchase that you will not regret.
Specificatii imprimare
Tehnologie imprimare
70.000 imagini
Specificatii mediu
Umiditate operare
20 ~ 80% RH
Umiditate stocare
10 ~ 95% RH
Temperatura operare
15 ~ 36°C
Temperatura stocare
-20 ~ 40°C
Dimensiuni si greutate
Dimensiuni pachet (LxAxI)
480 x 150 x 190 mm
Greutate pachet
2,42 Kg (toner)
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