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Premii obținute |
January 21, 2014 – Wokingham (UK) – For the first time in the decades-long history of BLI’s awards, a manufacturer has won the A3 MFP Line of the Year award for a fourth consecutive year. The most coveted honour bestowed by Buyers Lab, the world’s leading authority on document imaging devices and solutions, Line of the Year is awarded once a year to the vendors whose products are determined to be the best in their respective categories of models tested in BLI’s rigorous two-month laboratory evaluation. |
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Tip |
Echipament Multifuncțional Digital monocrom - Copiator, Imprimantă, Scaner color, i-Fax color, (opțional Fax G3 & IP-Fax)
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Stoc disponibil |
In asteptare |
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Tehnologii implementate |
Electrostatic laser |
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Tehnologie toner |
Simitri HD® Polymerised Toner
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Volum de lucru lunar maxim |
19.000 |
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Volum de lucru lunar recomandat |
13.000 |
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Consumabile utilizate |
28.800 coli A4 (acoperire 5%) |
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Timp de încãlzire |
< 20 sec.
Timpul de încălzire poate varia în funcție de mediul ambiant. |
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Prima paginã |
< 6,9 sec. |
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Vitezã Copy/Print A4 |
22 cpm A4, 14 cpm A3 |
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Format document original (maxim) |
A6 - A3 |
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Formate standard imprimabile |
A5 - SRA3, maxim 297 x 1200 mm
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Tip document |
File, Cărți sau Obiecte 3D
Sheets, Books or 3-D Objects
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Tip suport recomandat |
Hârtie, Carton, Etichete, Plicuri, Folii transparente
Plain paper, Thick paper, Labels, Envelope, OHP sheet. |
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Greutate suport acceptatã |
52 - 300 g/m² |
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Rezerva standard de hârtie |
1650 coli:
• Caseta 1: 500 coli A5 - A3, 52 - 256 g/m²
• Caseta 2: 500 coli A5 - SRA3, 52 - 256g/m²
• Multibypass: 150 coli A6 - SRA3, 60 - 300 g/m² + Banner, 60 - 300 g/m².
▫ A6: 105 × 148,5mm; ▫ A5: 148,5 × 210mm; ▫ A4: 210 x 297mm; ▫ A3: 297 × 420mm; ▫ SRA3: 320 x 450 mm; ▫ Banner: 297 x 1200mm;
• Caseta 3: 500 coli A5 - A3, 52 - 256 g/m²
• Caseta 4: spatiu pentru depozitare sau
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Rezervã maximã de hârtie |
• Caseta 3: 500 coli A5 - A3, 52 - 256 g/m²
• Caseta 4: spatiu pentru depozitare sau
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Alimentator automat de documente |
• Alimentator Duplex de Documente DF-624:
▫ Capacitate alimentare documente originale: maxim 100 coli de 80 g/m²;
▫ Originale acceptate: minim A6, maxim A3;
▫ Greutate hârtie pentru: Simplex 35 - 128 g/m², Duplex sau Mixate 50 - 128 g/m²;
▫ Viteză copiere A4: Simplex 55 originale/minut, 600dpi, Duplex 26 imagini/minut, 600dpi, mono;
▫ Viteză scanare A4: Simplex 80 orig/min, 300dpi, Duplex 37 imag/min, 300dpi, mono/color |
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Automat Fațã-Verso |
Unitate automată Duplex pentru imprimare față-verso, formate A5, A4, A3, SRA3 de minim 52 g/m², maxim 256 g/m²;
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Finisare |
• Grupare/Sortare; • Grupare/Sortare prin Decalare; • Capsare; • Perforare; |
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Capacitate de iesire cu finisor |
maxim 3300 coli |
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Interfatã standard |
▫ 10/100-Base-T/1000-Base-T Ethernet;
▫ USB 2.0
▫ USB Host (direct print) |
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Coduri de acces |
▫ Maxim 1.000 de conturi pentru utilizatori;
▫ Suport Active Directory (nume utilizator + parola + e-mail + folder smb);
▫ Definire acces utilizatori;
▫ Autentificare biometrică prin scanarea dispunerii venelor din deget (opțional);
▫ Autentificare prin Card ID (cititor opțional). |
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Procesor |
MPC8536 / 800MHz |
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Memorie (standard) |
2048 MB |
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Hard disk |
HDD 250 GB (User Box)
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Unitate BOX |
▫ Memorie documente: maxim 3.000 sau 10.000 pagini;
▫ Tipuri User Box : Public, Personal (cu parolă sau autentificare), Grupuri (cu autentificare);
▫ Tipuri Box sistem: Imprimare securizată, Imprimare PDF criptat, Receptie fax, Fax polling;
▫ Funcționalități User Box: Reimprimare, Combinare, Descărcare, Transmisie e-mail/FTP/SMB/Fax, Copiere Box-to-Box.
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Proces copiere |
Copiere electrostatică laser, tandem, indirect |
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Rezolutie maximã copiere |
▫ 600 x 600 dpi |
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Nivele de gri |
▫ 256 gradații
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Zoom (min.-max.) |
▫ 25 ~ 400% cu increment 0,1%;
+ Autozooming
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Selectie nr. copii |
▫ 1 - 9.999 |
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Control expunere |
Scanner color |
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Functii speciale copiator |
◙ Account track (1000); ◙ AMS/APS; ◙ Book copy; ◙ Booklet creation; ◙ Chapter insertion; ◙ Continuous number stamping; ◙ Copy protection; ◙ Cover mode; ◙ Criss-cross sorting; ◙ Date stamp; ◙ Department control; ◙ Distribution numbering; ◙ Edge / Frame / Fold line erase; ◙ Electronic print; ◙ Enlarge display; ◙ Gloss copy; ◙ Image insertion; ◙ Image repeat; ◙ Image rotation; ◙ Image shift; ◙ Non-image area erase; ◙ n-UP (2-in-1, 4-in-1, 8-in-1); ◙ OHP interleaving; ◙ Overlay (UK-204 required); ◙ Page insertion; ◙ Page stamp; ◙ Positive-negative-mode; ◙ Program job; ◙ Program memory (30); ◙ Proof copy; ◙ Rotation print out; ◙ Separate scanning; ◙ Stamp; ◙ User authentication; ◙ Watermark; ◙ X/Y independent zoom;
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Rezolutie maximã imprimare |
▫ 1.800 echivalent x 600 dpi (smoothing);
▫ 1.200 x 1.200 dpi |
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Emulare standard |
▫ PCL6 (XL 3.0); ▫ PCL 5; ▫ PostScript 3 (CPSI 3016); XPS |
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Font-uri |
▫ 80 PCL Latin; ▫ 137 PostScript 3 Emulation Latin |
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Funcţii de imprimare |
◙ Booklet creation; ◙ Chapter insertion; ◙ Continuous number stamping; ◙ Cover mode; ◙ Date stamp; ◙ Distribution numbering; ◙ Edge / Frame erase; ◙ Image insertion; ◙ Image repeat; ◙ Image shift; ◙ Image rotation; ◙ Job accounting; ◙ Non-image area erase; ◙ OHP interleaving; ◙ Overlay; ◙ Page insertion; ◙ Page stamp; ◙ Proof print; ◙ Stamp; ◙ Watermark; ◙ Mixplex; ◙ Tab print; ◙ Tandem print; ◙ N-up (2, 4, 6, 9, 16).
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Tehnologie scanare |
CCD Line Sensor |
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Vitezã scanare (din ADF) |
• Alimentator Duplex de Documente DF-624
◊ Documente (nr. max.): max. 100 coli, 80 g/m²
◊ Viteză scanare mono/color A4:
▫ Simplex: 80 opm, 300 dpi, 35 - 128 g/m²
▫ Duplex: 37 ipm, 300 dpi, 50 - 128 g/m²
▫ Mixate: 50 - 128 g/m²
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Rezoluție de scanare |
▫ 600 x 600 dpi
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Rezoluție hardware |
Push: 200dpi / 300dpi / 400dpi / 600dpi;
Pull: 100dpi / 200dpi / 300dpi / 400dpi / 600dpi. |
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Nivele de gri |
256 |
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Adrese destinatar |
2.100 (single + grup); LDAP suport |
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Formate fisiere de ieșire |
JPEG; TIFF; PDF; PPTX; Compact PDF; Encrypted PDF; XPS; Compact XPS;
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Funcții principare de scanare |
▫ Network TWAIN scan
▫ Scan-to-eMail (Scan-to-Me)
▫ Scan-to-FTP
▫ Scan-to-SMB (Scan-to-Home)
▫ Scan-to-Box
▫ Scan-to-WebDAV
▫ Scan-to-DPWS
▫ Scan-to-USB
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Interfatã scaner |
▫ Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T) |
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FAX Internet |
Protocol |
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Mod conectare |
Full-Mode |
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Formate transmise |
A4 - A3 |
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Formate recepționate |
maxim A3 |
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Rezoluție |
200 × 100 dpi, 200 × 200 dpi, 400 × 400 dpi, 600 × 600 dpi |
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Culoare |
Color Internet Fax
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Format fișier |
▫ Send: TIFF-F;
▫ Receive: TIFF-F;
▫ Colour /Grey Scale: TIFF (RFC3949 Profile-C). |
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Interfațã |
Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T) |
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FAX Super G3 |
Standard |
Super G3 |
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Metoda de compresie |
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Vitezã modem |
2,4 - 33,6 Kb/s |
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Rezolutie de scanare |
B&W: 200 x 100dpi; 200 x 200dpi; 400 x 400dpi; 600 x 600dpi
Colour/Greyscale: 200 x 200dpi; 400 x 400dpi; 600 x 600dpi |
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Functii fax |
▫ Polling; ▫ Transmisie întârziată; ▫ PC-Fax; ▫ Recepție confidențială în Box; ▫ Recepție pe e-mail/FTP/SMB; ▫ până la 400 programe (jobs) |
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Sisteme de operare compatibile |
◊ Citrix
◊ IBM AS/400
◊ Linux
◊ Macintosh OS X 10.x
◊ Unix
◊ Windows 2000
◊ Windows XP (32/64)
◊ Windows VISTA (32/64)
◊ Windows 7 (32/64)
◊ Windows 8 (32/64)
◊ Windows Server 2000
◊ Windows Server 2003 (32/64)
◊ Windows Server 2008 (32/64)
◊ Windows Server 2008 R2 (64)
◊ Windows Server 2012 (64)
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Protocoale de retea suportate |
▫ TCP/IP (IPv4 / IPv6); ▫ IPX/SPX; NetBEUI; ▫ AppleTalk (EtherTalk); ▫ SMB; ▫ LPD; ▫ IPP; ▫ SNMP; ▫ HTTP |
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Tipuri pachete de date |
▫ Ethernet 802.2; ▫ Ethernet 802.3; ▫ Ethernet II; ▫ Ethernet SNAP |
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Aplicatii Konica Minolta |
◙ HDD Twain Driver; ◙ Real Time Mode TWAIN Driver; ◙ PageScope Direct Print; ◙ PageScope Box Operator; ◙ Print Status Notifier; ◙ PageScope Data Administrator; ◙ HDD Backup Utility; ◙ Copy Protection Utility; ◙ Font Management Utility; ◙ Log Management Utility; ◙ Download Manager; ◙ Driver Packaging Utility; ◙ Print Utility for UNIX; ◙ CS Remote Care; ◙ bizhub Remote Panel; ◙ Alternative panel on Android platform; ◙ Panel Customization Tool; ◙ License Install Utility; ◙ PageScope Net Care Device Manager; ◙ Device Plug-In for PageScope Enterprise Suite; ◙ PageScope Authentication Manager; ◙ PageScope Account Manager; ◙ PageScope My Panel Manager; ◙ PageScope My Print Manager; |
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Securitate |
▫ ISO 15408 EAL3 (în evaluare);
▫ IP filtering and port blocking;
▫ SSL2; SSL3 and TSL1.0 network communication;
▫ IPsec support;
▫ IEEE 802.1x support;
▫ User authentication;
▫ Authentication log; Secure print;
▫ Hard disk overwrite (8 standard types);
▫ Hard disk data encryption (AES 128);
▫ Memory data auto deletion;
▫ Confidential fax receipt;
▫ Print user data encryption;
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Certificări |
Da |
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Tensiune de intrare |
220-240 Va.c. ± 10%, 50/60 Hz ± 3% |
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Consum de energie |
1580 W |
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Dimensiuni (w x d x h) |
615 x 685 x 779 mm (fără Alimentator Automat de Documente)
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Greutate |
76,5 Kg |
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Perioadã de Garantie |
6 LUNI (garantia nu acopera consumabilele; ex: unitati cilindru/developare, fuser, belt, role)
Garantia se acorda doar echipamentelor instalate de ATEC GLOBAL SYSTEMS SRL. |
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ATEC Global Systems livrează echipamente Konica Minolta la sediul cumpărătorului, numai pe raza Municipiului București.
Transportul este inclus în prețul produsului.
Detalii prin telefon la: 021.231.1177, 021.231.1176, 021.230.0147 sau prin poștă electronică la: office@atec.ro , sales@atec.ro ,
Vă mulțumim pentru atenție!
Echipa ATEC
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